Posts Tagged ‘healthy’
“Healthy people are grateful for life’s simple treasures. Be H.I.P. Express gratitude to those you treasure.” ~ Coach T
The letter H in the H.I.P. acronym represents healthy. Most people associate the word healthy immediately with food, diet and exercise. However, embedded in the H.I.P. movement is the conscious association of having and maintaining a healthy mind and consciousness so as to drive the physical expression (your body and affairs) in the right gears.
Healthy people consciously choose to practice making higher choices. They make it a practice to live from the calling of their souls and the insights that are given from their internal wisdom. They understand that watering the seeds of consciousness occurs with tools of prayer, meditation, silence, visioning and other methods. They wake up to the truth that living from this place of existence allows them to be a beneficial presence in the world.
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