Posts Tagged ‘grateful’
“H.I.P. people realize that every time they turn around they are blessed. Be H.I.P. turn your life around with gratitude.”
Once a year, American families get together to enjoy turkey, pumpkin pies, parades and American football. Through movies and TV shows, loads of people around the world are aware of Thanksgiving, roughly when it takes place and that it tends to involve Americans eating a lot of turkey and something call yams. But hopefully it is much more than that for those who are living H.I.P. lives. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to be reminded of the power of the practice of gratitude.
Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have and you will attract more good things. Remember this principle: whatever we focus on grows. Another way of saying this is, whatever we pay attention to grows or becomes a larger part of our experience. So if you focus on problems, you will find more problems. If you focus on successes, you find more successes. This is based on the assumption that we don’t just observe reality, but create it through our acts of observation. It is in this way that what we focus on grows, as we continue to notice more and more of it, expanding it into more of our reality.
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During this time of year the collective energies are still beaming with potential.
Almost everyone is still making goals, re-evaluating their goals or resolutions. Some are reflecting, clearing and decluttering their physical and mental space for all the newness that 2015 will bring. Remaining sensitive to these energies are important as it can support you in building and garnering that which you need to continue your progress so as to stay on the path of manifesting your own goals and dreams.
Here are three things to be mindful during this time of year that is guaranteed to help you keep on track:
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“H.I.P. people are grateful to know that going against their intuition only leads to misery. Be H.I.P. Follow your intuition” ~ Coach T
Being on the go in the norm in today’s society. In fact one is expected to be constantly connected and moving whether in thoughts or deeds. The more apps and gadgets you have at your disposal is perhaps directly correlated to your importance and busyness and to how informed you are as a citizen of the world. It is becoming increasingly imperative to give into the demand of constant connection.
Having the opportunity to see the different age population make their adjustments is fascinating. The younger folks are more easily sold on this way of life ( be mindful some of them are not familiar with any other way). Usually during some one-off occasions I will meet a youth that is apprehensive and refuse to be caught in the web. The truth revealed is that the ones I have met are more closely related to a family situation where (1) they are fully aware of the old ways of doing things (2) their guardians are in absolute resistance of the new way too. The mature generation is also just as fascinating. Some are in total fear and resistance while some are jumping in head first, not to be left behind.
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What if just for today we were just grateful for everything? Sounds like a good idea…. True gratitude is a way of life. Beginning today when you wake up in the morning, let your first thought be one of thanksgiving that you have another day to walk in the love of Spirit.
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H.I.P. people are grateful to know that you do not forgive for the other person, you do it for your own freedom. Be H.I.P. Forgive and be free ~ Coach T
I was confronted recently by a conversation that in my mind was extremely impossible to forgive. Honestly, nothing was done to me personally. I was just listening to a conversation and was being triggered and enraged. The more I thought “if that were me” the angrier my Spirit felt. But in the midst of the tumultuous inner feelings grace stepped in. The first light in mind came with the thought, this has nothing to do with you Shakira. I was merely listening to someone else’s conversation.
The second light in mind came with the thought, what are you so afraid of Shakira. I was afraid of loss and hurting my loved ones. I was afraid of feeling what I thought would be painful. The more I inserted myself and looked at the possibilities the angrier I felt.
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The mornings when I am reminded to be still seem to be the day when clarity seeks to emerge. When the path for my desires look me in the eyes and say here I am at your beckon call. What will you do now?
The whole of life experiences exist solely in this moment. How I choose to react in this moment will define how life shows up in the next moment. Okay I get this Spirit and…..
Humbly I recognize that the space of transformation takes courage and oh so much humility, righteous positions crumble to the voice of my Divinity and then I empty and return to my breathe. The little “coincidences” and miracles that use to jolt me for weeks now takes a day and then I remember who I am.
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“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.” ~ Louise Smith
Now if your time to release and let go. Open the palm of your hands and allow the grip you hold to loosen. Now is the time for a new YOU to emerge. Yes, NOW! Your highest potential is seeking an outlet into expression and that outlet can only be found when you release the junk of yesterday.
The junk of yesterdays are the things that no longer serve you. This junk limits you to the past. It keeps you stuck and unmovable without the possibility of new experiences and opportunities. Some of the junk that we tend to hold on to is unforgiveness, unhealthy relationships, grudges, hurts and miscommunication. We get to wound up in the junk that our emotions and triggers are constantly on.
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Oops it’s on us again, another year to get it right.
The last two months of 2013 saw us going through a lot of changes. Some life altering and some were the usual practices we have as a family. My attempt to evaluate and declutter is simply a natural mechanism for me now. I have been practicing this for so long. Even if I unconsciously forget what month it is I will find myself making a list of the areas in the house to sort out, prepping new goals that are coming into my awareness and a burst of energy to clean from top to bottom.
For many this new year, new you concept is just that a concept. Everyone seems to be on the bandwagon of change and commitment but then a few weeks in the year and the excitement is all gone. The commitments are all forgotten dreams and desires vaporize like a pipe dream. However, this is a natural phase as what humankind is attempting to do is create a new habit and this is quite a challenging task. Creating new habits are comparable to rewriting what’s written in your subsconscious. All that stuff that is presently there has been written over time, ions of life and is second nature to you.
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Listening to the still small voice within is an art form.
It requires us to sit still not just in body but also in mind. How does that work you might ask, when the mind is never still or quiet – practice have moments of pause is the clue. Glimpse or moments of clarity can support you in the practice.
One of the principles we expose at Charles & Shakira Unlimited is that your life is always an outward picture of what is happening on the inside. Is it possible to look out and get a clue on were you are heading? Absolutely!! Are you experiencing peace and order? Or does your life look like confusion and chaos?
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Criticizing is easy. Doing something constructive takes courage.
I was watching Super Soul Sunday recently and heard Dr. Brene Brown talk about the concept of being in the ring ( the arena). She explained the courage and tenacity it takes to stand up and have a voice with a face – simply to stand in the ring. Without this she exclaimed “you don’t get a say”.
Here was another ah ah moment for me. Not only do I need to step up my game by getting in the arena for my life but I can also practice to not criticize other people’s arena. Those around you should be free to design and make their own life – to live out their dharma.
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