Archive for the ‘transformation’ Category

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During this time of year the collective energies are still beaming with potential.

Almost everyone is still making goals, re-evaluating their goals or resolutions. Some are reflecting, clearing and decluttering their physical and mental space for all the newness that 2015 will bring. Remaining sensitive to these energies are important as it can support you in building and garnering that which you need to continue your progress so as to stay on the path of manifesting your own goals and dreams.

Here are three things to be mindful during this time of year that is guaranteed to help you keep on track:
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posted by | on Breakthrough Shadow Coaching,, Inspirational, Inspiring Visions, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, transformation | Comments Off on Allow Intuition To Guide You

“H.I.P. people are grateful to know that going against their intuition only leads to misery. Be H.I.P. Follow your intuition” ~ Coach T

Being on the go in the norm in today’s society. In fact one is expected to be constantly connected and moving whether in thoughts or deeds. The more apps and gadgets you have at your disposal is perhaps directly correlated to your importance and busyness and to how informed you are as a citizen of the world. It is becoming increasingly imperative to give into the demand of constant connection.

Having the opportunity to see the different age population make their adjustments is fascinating. The younger folks are more easily sold on this way of life ( be mindful some of them are not familiar with any other way). Usually during some one-off occasions I will meet a youth that is apprehensive and refuse to be caught in the web. The truth revealed is that the ones I have met are more closely related to a family situation where (1) they are fully aware of the old ways of doing things (2) their guardians are in absolute resistance of the new way too. The mature generation is also just as fascinating. Some are in total fear and resistance while some are jumping in head first, not to be left behind.
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posted by | on Awareness, Being Heathy,, Inspirational, Inspiring Visions, Meditation, Personal Development, Self-development, Spiritual, Spirituality, transformation, Vision | Comments Off on What’s Your First Thought?

What if just for today we were just grateful for everything? Sounds like a good idea…. True gratitude is a way of life. Beginning today when you wake up in the morning, let your first thought be one of thanksgiving that you have another day to walk in the love of Spirit.
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posted by | on Awareness, Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Healthy Living,, Inspirational, Inspiring, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, transformation | Comments Off on It Looks Good On You!

Sometimes leaders and entrepreneurs get locked into thinking that they must look the part of the market they are attempting to get a piece of. Imagine my astonishment when a friend of mine told me she had to buy the mint coat while working on wall street (a few years back) yet she was a pay check away from being evicted.

Now, there are times when we do advocate getting into the vibrational energy of that which you desire to attract but we also advocate wisdom and healthy stewardship – this is called balance. The truth is that the mint coat (for example) will be of no impact if the inside is not a vibrational match. Those you encounter will see right through the facade.
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posted by | on Awareness, Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Healthy Living,, Inspirational, Inspiring, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Living on purpose, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on Divine Is Not In Confusion

“H.I.P. people know that confusion is a game we play to keep ourselves stuck in mediocrity. Be H.I.P. Practice trusting your heart.” ~ Coach T

There is an old proverb that says “God is not in confusion” (substitute God for what is appropriate to you) and I cannot tell you how many times this mantra / proverb has parted the red seas of my mind. By simply breathing in and repeating it to self a few times I have been able to pause and gather myself.

Often times you will find that whenever a shift or decision needs to be made some stuff will present itself before you. This usually happen because of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the repercussions or fear of the newness that is seeking to express itself in your life.  There are also times when you experience gridlock in communication, with no solutions in sight…. Divine is not in confusion! Getting a clear sense of direction is very important during these times. In fact it is best to refrain from any or all life altering decisions when confusion is your state.
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Milking The Cow


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“H.I.P. people know that each moment is the opportunity they’ve been waiting for.          
Be H.I.P. Wait no more. This is it!” ~ Coach T

My grandmother taught us the tale “milking the cow.” This term can be used literally and figuratively. For her growing up and being told to milk the cow could just simple be go outside and physically get milk from the cow.

By the time I came along mama was no longer in the countryside of the island and although I knew what cows looked like we didn’t have cows in the backyard. Times had changed significantly and with a large family to feed “milking the cow” became squeezing the last drop out of every dollar. We had to learn how to pinch the penny, squandering wasn’t allowed and only the real special occasion allowed individual treats. Yes! Pinching the dollar or stretching the money by getting only items that could feed many versus just one was the norm in our household.
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posted by | on Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, H.I.P. Coaches,, Inspirational, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, Spiritual, transformation | Comments Off on Shine The Light On Yourself

Light is the form of energy that makes its possible to see things. The highest and best understanding we can apprehend is clear knowledge of God that unfolds from within the innermost level of our being.

Our relationships offer us the greatest opportunities to gain a clear knowledge of God, because they provide us feedback on where we are not seeing the Divine – in ourselves. We all have blind spots – so others provide us a mirror – reflecting to us how much of the Divine we actually understand and embrace of ourselves.
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posted by | on Being Healthy, Breakthrough Shadow Coaching, Healthy Living, Inspirational, Integrative Coach, Life Coaching, Personal Development, purpose, Relationship Coaching, Self-development, Shadow Work, transformation | Comments Off on It’s Your Choice! Peace or Control?

“H.I.P. people are aware that peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others. Be H.I.P. stop trying to change others.”

Chances are  you have people in your life whose behavior you wish you could change. Your romantic partner might be putting on a little weight. Your parents may complain too much. Your best friend won’t look for a new job, even though she hates the job she has now.

Once you notice these annoyances, it is natural to want to push people to change. However, is it actually possible to change someone’s  behavior? Should you even try? At what price? When we have the urge to try to change someone we are really saying that we are not satisfied with our own Self, we are not at peace with ourselves, for it is our own Self through which we see, hear and judge. Whenever we try to improve someone we are in some way moving into physical or mental manipulation or into the psychological approach and you are ultimately dealing with the effects rather than with cause.
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7 Steps To Having No Problems

We would love to share with you “7 of our most favorite steps to having no problems” in your life as taken from Coachville coaching materials, which Coach T is also trained in.

We are certain if practiced, these tools will open your life to experience more joy.

  1. Hang out exclusively with people who have zero problems. This may require a new address book.
  2. Simplify your life. A complicated life is a request for problems.
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How sad that we often diminish our best gifts

By struggling valiantly to develop in someone else area of ability. It is better to focus on your uniqueness and do that with excellence than to end up with mediocrity in several areas.

Use this rule of thumb for organizing your work strategy:

Work where you are the strongest 80 percent of the time.

Work where you are learning 15 percent of the time.

Work where you are weak 5 percent of the time.
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