Charles M. Taylor

“As you’re growing, as you’re becoming ever more yourself, you become conscious that the world of phenomena doesn’t have your happiness or your peace.”
-Michael Bernard BeckwithCharles1

Rev. Charles M. Taylor is a New Thought minister, author, public speaker and a coach specializing in H.I.P. relationships. He is a co-founder of the H.I.P. Living Center and Charles & Shakira Unlimited, LLC in Florida; the catalysts for what he and his wife Shakira Taylor call the Healthy, Inspired, Purposeful (H.I.P.) Movement: a growing community of like-minded individuals dedicated to waking up and having an authentic experience with life. In 1982, Charles joined forces with the late Reverend Dr. Mary Tumpkin in becoming a founding member of the Universal Truth Center, in Miami Gardens, FL, a New Thought spiritual community whose mission is to empower people to develop their potential by awakening their divine nature. Today, Rev. Charles serves as the Senior Minister and CEO of this community.

He has taught thousands of people, nationally and internationally, on how to use the new thought ancient wisdom to transform their life, world and affairs. He creates and leads transformational workshops, courses and lesson series that guide people to self-mastery. Charles has counseled hundreds of couples in pre and post marital counseling, supporting them in creating a vision for their relationship utilizing an integral approach. Charles has been described by his colleagues as a “good shepherd – who is fair, even-tempered and grounded in spiritual principles.” Another Unity minister had this to say about Charles “he is one of the rare few colleagues in the New Thought movement who is trained to produce Biblical exegetical sermons through a metaphysical lens; as a speaker he is humorous, entertaining, uplifting and has become a UFBL favorite.”

Charles obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science and History from Florida A&M University and coach training from Newfield and Coachville. He is a certified Integrative Coach Professional from the Ford Institute, where he also serves as a mentor for aspiring coaches and also a certified coach with ThinkTQ. He is author of The H.I.P. Factor, four time contributing writer for the Daily Inspiration, a signature publication of the Universal Foundation for Better Living and has written numerous articles for H.I.P. Living Now e-newsletter and H.I.P. blog. Rev. Charles is also a columnist in The South Florida Times

In 2007, Charles began practicing the Integral Life Practice approach. A technique he said “supports my leadership style, pastoral abilities and ability to connect with others wholeheartedly. The integral approach has deepened my passion in living in a world where people are experiencing H.I.P. relationships.” A reoccurring message found throughout Charles’ work is: You Are Enough. A message he is very passionate about sharing with the world.

For additional information, or to book Charles Taylor please call 786-449-5493 or email