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During this time of year the collective energies are still beaming with potential.

Almost everyone is still making goals, re-evaluating their goals or resolutions. Some are reflecting, clearing and decluttering their physical and mental space for all the newness that 2015 will bring. Remaining sensitive to these energies are important as it can support you in building and garnering that which you need to continue your progress so as to stay on the path of manifesting your own goals and dreams.

Here are three things to be mindful during this time of year that is guaranteed to help you keep on track:

1. Practice Gratitude: This vibration when consciously carried keeps you alive, healthy, hopeful and in the mindset of joy for longer periods throughout the day. The more you find to be grateful for the more you will find to be grateful. Gratitude opens the storehouse of plenty and people simple enjoying being around happy, enthusiastic people.

2. Practice Paying Attention: Take nothing for granted. Be where you are fully. The more you put this practice in place the more likely you are to see the open doors (opportunities) before you. Recognize that the friendly, loving Universe is always supplying your every need but you must be able to perceive it. Pay attention! Can you see it?

3. Question Everything: An attitude of inquiry will allow you to expand your mind to be more open to potentials you never thought possible or exist. Know that there is always more for you to learn and become. There is always more to any story. By asking questions you will remain open to insights and learn new things. That which you desire is a question away. In addition to asking questions ensure that you adopt an attitude of sharing information. The more you share (give), the more you will receive. This is universal law.

We hope that you will share with us how you are doing on your 2015 goals thus far. Let us know also how we can support you in the attainment of them?

Sending healthy, inspiring, purposeful thoughts wherever you are!

H.I.P. Coach


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