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To love, trust and honor yourself is the ultimate foundation for any relationship.

The relationship with yourself is mirrored in the relationship with the partners that you attract into your life. Each moment we are at choice –  a choice to choose love or a choice to choose fear. A choice to cheat or a choice to live with integrity. Every relationship is the opportunity to practice integrity and to live your spirituality in everyday life. When you don’t honor what you truly feel or your deepest truth in a relationship, you cheat on yourself and this is when unfaithfulness begins.

When you are in a relationship and compromise who you really are, you are cheating on yourself.

When you remain in a relationship that no longer nourishes your authentic soul expression, you are cheating on yourself.

When you enter into a relationship even though your intuition tells you something isn’t right, you are cheating on yourself.

When you don’t honor yourself, you also cheat your partner from having all of you, as well as the opportunity to find the fullness of love that might be available for them too.

When you truly trust yourself then you make choices that reflect this. You choose people who are trustworthy and able to honor you.

Start by being honest about what you deeply want in a relationship. Then be the right person who will attract the right person to create the commitment that most honors your unique expression as a human being on this planet.

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