Seeing Clearly


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It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~~ Antoine Saint Exupery, The Little Prince

Things aren’t always what they seem. Conditions and appearances may cloud our vision of the absolute truth of the life we are to experience. Leading us to form opinions and draw conclusions based upon the compelling but perhaps erroneous information that, at first glance, may appear as absolute reality.

When we view situations solely through intellectual processes, we might be led to making harsh judgments by using rigid and inflexible rules we have been taught and come to regard as law. This process may serve us in making simple decisions but reason must be tempered by the love, spirit and compassion that reside within each of us.

While it is important to view things rationally, it is not always easy to come to conclusions judiciously and with total impartiality. We are usually too easily swayed by our learned beliefs and by the convincing but sometimes erroneous impressions of the circumstances presented to us. Only when we consciously know and believe that good is present within everyone and everything are able to see more clearly. When we begin to see with the heart knowing all parties involved in any situation are representations of divine spirit, we will be led to formulating clear and true decisions and arriving at unbiased conclusions.

We are called upon to come up with heartfelt and informed opinions and choices, based on the vision for our life, regardless of the degree of importance we may place upon the significance of those choices. No matter how they appear, all is important. Our opinions and choices will then be the result of deep thought and clear perspective in various areas of importance. These include the aisles of supermarkets, at our children’s school, at department stores, making intelligent political choices; in choosing friends, our life partner and most importantly the direction of our life.

Affirm: Because I am connected to the vision of my life I am able to see the truth that exists beyond appearances.

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