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This month we spent our time focusing and going deeper in thought around Authenticity.We hope you found the meditations, blogs and daily illustrations uplifted your spirit and brought into your life true practical insights for your life. To remind you plain and simple Authenticity is about being yourself, your Best Self, at all times, in all circumstances, with everyone. You are the only one who is best at being you, so stop trying to be like someone else or what others want you to be so you can fit in. I once heard someone say, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

In order for you to have your best year of your life and for you to live your best life where you are experiencing genuine happiness, joy, peace of mind, healthy relationships & abundance (your best life), practicing Authenticity is a must. To practice Authenticity cultivate the following habits:

1. Know yourself

Take time everyday getting to know you. Knowing ourselves is the first step to being our best self. Make a commitment to personal development & receiving honest 360 degrees feedback & guidance from others & life.

2. Be grateful for who you are & what you bring to the world.

Practice appreciation of yourself. Learn to accept & embrace all of who you are in a healthy way.

3. Live with purpose & courage.

Live in integrity with your soul by aligning your personality with your soul. Your soul knows exactly the life you are called to live. Listen, obey, & step out with courage to boldly live the life you are meant to live.

4. Know that you are enough.

You have everything you need to be your best Self in the form of gifts, talents & abilities. You just need to activate it, cultivate it & express it.

5. Be compassionate with yourself.

Practice self-care; forgive yourself for any seeming mistakes. Know that everything & everyone was there to support you in the evolution of your soul, your authentic self.

6. Get your needs met.

Unmet needs can cloud your vision of your true self. All of us have needs; learn to get each one met in a healthy way so you can let your authenticity be expressed.

7. Orient your life around your values.

What you have to share with others is worth reorienting your life around so that everything you do, your way of being in the world is an authentic expression.

Being Yourself, Your True Self, Your Authentic Self, Is The Key To Having The Best Year Of Your Life In 2013 And Beyond.

Until Next Time…

Give Yourself Permission To Being Your Best Self

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