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Let’s start things right by setting you up for success. As you start thinking about 2013 and the new goals that you desire to accomplish here are a a few of the top 10 steps to resolution that work. Some of you might not have accomplished everything you had set out to in 2012, still some days left :)..but how about have some steps to support you in doing even better in the coming year.

I will share 5 steps with you today. They are taken from Thomas Leonard body of work, the pioneer and father to many of us coaches. These proven steps will assure you success! I have added my personal comments to each for additional support.

1. Make resolutions throughout the year, rather than waiting for New Year’s. That way you’re likely to set goals that are really meaningful and compelling, rather than setting goals for the sake of a holiday ritual. – I know your thinking now is the time to set those goals but don’t overload and put yourself under undue stress….pace yourself and make every step matter.

2. Eliminate recurring resolutions. Anything you’ve set as a goal before and failed at probably isn’t going to work and better this time. Drop it or redefine it to make it more doable and attractive. All those resolutions you had for 2012 really spend the time to review and analyze them. It is really worth it to attempt again?

3. Align resolutions with values. When goals are in sync with your natural values, success comes more effortlessly. What are your values? Have you oriented your life around your values yet? Check out H.I.P. Living Coaching for support

4. Cross should off your list. Shoulds and musts are actually other people’s goals, not yours. Spend some time to really get to know what your goals are not the goals of family, friends and love ones but YOUR soul mandate. The why of your existence is calling you.

5. Make resolutions specific and measurable. If there’s no clear finish line you won’t be able to know if you’ve succeeded. Vague goals create anxiety and drain energy. When you look at that list you made you must know when it will begin and when it will end. The resolution must depend on your efforts entirely and not dependents on others to give you or be a certain way before it can be accomplish.

Spend the time now to zone in on your accomplishments thus far and what your desire to shift, transform or experience in your life and the new year begins. Give yourself permission to dream and to ultimately seek the support you need to make those dreams a reality.

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